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Inner Forest Service


Issue One

October 2021


(the poems do not appear correctly on phones)


Jake Skeets

Searching for Truth in the Morning


Brenda Hillman

6 Views of  Moss  Dendroalsia Abietinum


Patricia Zylius

Bright Water


Ellery Akers

Love Poem: Wildfire Evacuation


Aja Couchois Duncan

from Wild Kin


Daniela Naomi Molnar

chorus 21 / Ojito Canyon / storm

chorus 2


Lisa Olstein

Mystery School

As for Real Wolves


Philip Metres

Dusk Prelude


Noah Ross

[landscape lines the graph of this particulate of matter]


Sarah Audsley

Orographic Lift


Alan Chazaro

On the Way to Ojai

Red Cloud Litany


Forrest Gander & Jack Shear

from KNOT


Sally Keith

from Abecedarian


Cindy Milwe

Rainy Morning: Big Sur


Kym Martindale & Harriet Tarlo 

from Redmires Rivelin Wyming


Iain Haley Pollock

The Abrupt Edge


Abigail Chabitnoy

If the Seabed Shakes in the Gulf of Alaska

Love Like a Body Carried to Shore

Root Glacial Under Arms


Contributor Bios


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