from Wild Kin
Aja Couchois Duncan
Wil . der . ness
old English
land inhabited by
wild dēor
seasons before the doe was part of, a rangale, dregs
of an army, who would want such a thing, old french to middle english
its main body, a migrating herd, she followed them hundreds of miles across
the spring green into the foothills where the herd stilled, bowed their heads
and began to graze, but she couldn’t stop, not there, not yet, so she kept moving
following the river basin until spring turned north turned winter
ice windswept across the rocks and the cries of something buried
barely audible beneath
the frozen derma
birdsong and windswept
what mornings have come to without
anchor, so easy to slip past the borders
of consciousness, to move between
lucidity and its twin, the one who
told her losing her cellular
structure was a miracle
or could be
so much easier unwrapping sleep, stepping onto the same
cold bedroom floor, hearing the incessant hum
of the refrigerator, listening for birds, for that tick
in the walls, for that moment when one falls into day
to life and doesn’t question its presence
the dogs rise, stretch then search for someplace
to settle their fur in a house
that is perpetually shrinking
amidst the forest woodlands and sagebrush
wind, river, fir and aspen cling
to the steep mountainside
willows pour downstream
the doe finds herself here but longing
for the crumbling peaks of limestone
chickadees and meadow voles
goats and muskrat, the stalking lynx
kinglets with their yellow flames of hair
where is everyone, she wonders
and bows her head to the moss and ferns
a blanket of green foliage
an insect’s nest
the fly lands on her flank and drops its wings
burrowing into her fur until flesh it pierces
her skin sucking blood for hours until pregnant
it drops into the muddy banks of a pond
and the cycle continues all over her body
lipoptena feed on her as they have fed
for thousands of years their remains preserved
in mummified bodies amidst alpine glaciers
since the age
of stone
wild eyed, that’s what midnight said
calling ancestors who’d lost their spirits
crying for recompense, what can be healed
across generation, all night she wanders
amidst the network of dendrites hoping
to synaptically alter the wilderness
of her mind