chorus 2
Daniela Naomi Molnar
Rising sap encased in cambium
the candor of that strict unfinished: So much elsewhere
unsettling each surface, so much annulled
While the hopeless form of the phone
again finds my hands’ helpless hope
ending only in
I try a new thing:
sourdough succulents showering
believing in god
An endgame of leftover math
remaining gaze-locked with solution
I walk to the city’s last swamp
A swamp-born whip of a horsetail frond
striped bright green / dark green
rises from black sucking mud
bare branches click above
I trim my nails
to the pink quick to dig in the mud
to add to the catalog
of all the imperfect
ways I’ve loved
Laurie Sheck: So much elsewhere unsettling each surface, so much annulled